Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Show me your teeth


So I just had all four of my wisdom teeth removed at about 10 o'clock this morning. I went in, well, not really knowing what to expect. I figured it couldn't be much different from when I was put under for my shoulder surgery back in June, and it turned out to be true. Although Dr. Peter Cho (Asian, of course, bahaha) really had some trouble finding any veins on me to put the IV in, which I had warned him of before. So after four or five failed pokes through various points in my arms and hands (always a lovely thing), he just managed to get the needle into a small vein on my left hand.

After that, I waited to try and figure out when I was starting to feel differently, and that was about the time I felt a cold tingling riding up through my chest to my mouth (or something), and theeeen I assume I was out shortly thereafter.

Regaining consciousness is always the most fascinating thing. Of course, in my case, it was all a really convoluted, big ass blur of women in blue scrubs talking a lot. At some point I remember sitting in a chair in an unfamiliar room, probably looking as retarded as ever with gauze and blood filling my mouth and my head rolled back.

Well, regardless, thank goodness my mum got me out of there afterwards and drove me home. I remember wanting to laugh and giggle so much because I was so loopy and completely out of my mind, but due to the gauze and whatnot, that probably didn't happen so well.

The worst part about the whole experience was not being able to communicate what I needed afterwards. Such as asking mom for a change of gauze, taking my pills, not being able to feel ANYTHING in or around my mouth (weirdest thing ever), not being able to swallow well, accidentally choking later on thanks to the gauze touching the back of my throat, etc. Hahaha.

Anyyyway. It's much better now. I slept almost all day until 7pm, and thank the world for vicodin! And applesauce. So things are better now. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Also, I hope you all like that first picture. I think it sums up wisdom teeth quite well. And now I'll leave ya with a not-so-attractive picture of my actual teeth right after the surgery.


P.S.- Exactly two months til my birthday AND I can drink what and whenever I want! w00t!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Letter to the world

Dear life,

I only ask these things of you:

-Do not rush me.
-Trust me to make my own decisions.
-Allow me to live for the sole purpose of my happiness.
-Never stop showing and teaching me new things.
-Always help me to remember the importance of friendship.
-Never let me give up on love, and let me love whomever I want.
-Help me and the rest of the world remember that there are far more important things than money.

That is all for now. Thank you for your time.